PCDJ DEX 2.0.9 merupakan software Mixing yang hampir mirip dengan Virtual DJ yang pernah BAGAS31 share dulu, dari segi tampilan PCDJ DEX 2.0.9 ini memang sangatlah mirip. Hebatnya, PCDJ DEX 2.0.9 ini memiliki Size yang lebih ringan dibandingkan Virtual DJ, namun tidak membuat PCDJ DEX 2.0.9 ini kekurangan Fitur, malahan sebaliknya, PCDJ DEX 2.0.9 ini memiliki lebih banyak Fitur dibandingkan Virtual DJ. Dengan menggunakan PCDJ DEX 2.0.9 ini, sobat akan memiliki 4 DJ Decks, yang pastinya akan membuat kemampuan DJ kita tertantang. hehe
Download :

- PCDJ DEX 2.0.9
- Crack
Password : www.bagas31.com | Status : Tested (Windows XP SP2 dan Windows 7)
- 4 DJ decks (two for video and karaoke) with professional grade mixer and playlists
- Fully manual or automatic mixing (one-click beat-matching)
- Video mixing (including pitch, break, reverse, scratch video)
- Timecode vinyl/CD support
- Robust library with format filters, search as you type, and tag editing
- Seamless intelligent looping and beat-skip
- Skin support – change the appearance of DEX 2
- Automatic grid-based BPM detection with batch processing
- Vinyl simulation including scratch, pitch, reverse play, and brake
- Headphone cueing and monitoring
- Support for professional VST effects
- Analog input for microphone (with talk over),turntables, or CD player’s
- Pitch scaling for harmonic/key mixing
- Advanced auto-mixing including Mix-In/Mix-Out (Cue In/Out) points
- Perceptual automatic gain (volume control)
- Sample player – load up audio clips and trigger them
- Karaoke CDG (MP3+G Zip and uncompressed) support
- Record your mix to MP3, WAV or AIFF
- Key-Lock (Master Tempo) – Very high quality option available!
- ASIO/CoreAudio low-latency support
- Browsing system with unlimited lists, disk explorer, database, and iTunes library import support
- Load the whole song in RAM for instant access
- Audio-CD support on Win/Mac
- DEX 2 reads mp3, m4a, wav, aiff, ogg, cda, mpeg, avi, mov, mkv, wmv, flac and more.